High Quality Anesthetic Practices

At East Asheville Family Vet, we strive to make anesthesia as safe as possible for pets by following the guidelines outlined by the American Animal Hospital Association. We wanted to share some information with you today regarding high-quality anesthetic practices.

What does high-quality anesthesia look like?

Preanesthetic bloodwork is run on every patient prior to performing anesthesia. We want to identify illnesses or organ dysfunction prior to anesthesia so that we can treat any underlying conditions that may make anesthesia unsafe.

Every patient has an IV catheter placed before anesthesia to ensure we can give necessary medications during the procedure. We can maintain blood pressure with IV fluids, give medications to raise heart rates and give pain medications this way.

Every patient is intubated for anesthesia with a new endotracheal tube. This ensures we can give breaths to the patient to deliver adequate oxygen throughout the procedure.

Every patient utilizes warming blankets and fluid warmers to maintain their body temperatures during anesthesia (essential during dental procedures when patients may get a little wet and during abdominal procedures).

Every patient has a dedicated technician to monitor them during anesthesia. Our monitoring equipment is state-of-the-art and includes a continuous electrocardiogram, pulse oximeter, electronic respiratory monitor, blood pressure monitor, capnograph, and thermometer to monitor the temperature. This allows us to follow trends and catch changes in the patient’s status throughout the anesthetic procedure to prevent any unsafe conditions from developing.

Every patient has a personalized anesthetic plan, including appropriate pain medications, that are tailored to the patient’s life stage, chronic disease processes, organ function, and the procedure being performed. We also ensure every patient goes home with pain medications and anti-inflammatories as needed after their procedure so that their recovery is as smooth and pain-free as possible.

At East Asheville Family Vet, we are proud to offer the most current, high-quality anesthetic care available. Please check out AAHA.org for more information regarding high-quality anesthetic practices. 

A dog wearing bunny ears

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